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Our lesson begins with the four major types of tea: Whites, Greens, Oolongs, and Blacks. Interestingly, all these teas come from the raw leaves of the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis. What distinguishes each category of tea is its processing method. The way the leaves are processed: steamed, fermented (oxidized), dried, or bruised gives the tea the special characteristics of its category. Tea spin offs, such as scented, flavored, or blended teas are produced using one of the four major types of benefits of drinking green tea as a base. One term that has become part of our everyday lingo is "herbal tea ".

The ability to understand and relay these opinions is the crux of why pairing any sort is important. Pairing illustrates that you have explored the natural interplay between food and tea. It is a marvelous way to heighten a benefits of drinking green tea experience and expand the universe of profiles that define tea. To be able to enhance the presence of food or emphasize the flavors of a given tea is a truly rewarding challenge.

Tea in the South is less about the product and more about the exhibition. The benefits of drinking green tea shows the grace of an older culture, almost pretentious, but also inclusive, enthusiastic, refined, and slightly decadent.

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