green tea weight loss studies

Although I am myself an caffeine content of green tea who has seen many incarnations of tea, it was not until I moved to the U. S. that I witnessed such great depth of variety in tea service and ritual. For instance, when I arrived, I could easily take comfort in an Australian “tea” green tea side effects a British-style service and not be far from home. But what made tea endearing to me was not tea and scones, but rather tea and palacinka—Croatian crepes, jam-filled and dusted with icing sugar—or robust Assam with a squeeze of orange. When immigrants come to America, they import the small, incidental motion of a personal ritual.

To realize that these people smile more often than we do is truly enlightening. When it comes to tea drinking, the United States is centuries behind the rest of the world. Perhaps our addictive love of and strong economic ties to the drinking and production of coffee has distracted us from green tea side effects subtler benefits of tea. Or maybe we just rebelled against what the British were drinking (our most historic act involving tea, you remember, was the time we dumped loads of it in the Boston Harbor). Whatever the reason for our past disinterest in tea, Americans are now making up for lost time. In the past green tea help me lose weight alone, tea consumption in the United States has shot up an astounding one hundred percent!

In Colombo, Ian and are met by the rest of our party, Manik Jayakumar, a tea planter who founded the organic projects we were to visit and who is visiting Sri Lanka for the first time in 11 years; Richard Guzauskas of Leaves Pure Teas; and green tea side effects David, a tea taster with Stassen.

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