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There are no straight roads in Sri Lanka, at least I didn't seem to be on any of them. green tea antioxidant But the landscape is amazing. Tea crops blanket the hillsides and valleys like a verdant moss, with shade trees dotted throughout. After four hours on the road, the bus stops in Haldemmulla so that we can stretch our legs. A short green tea thermogenesis leads me to what look like stables but what are actually housing form tea pickers. These primitive shelters are about as wide as a stall and twice green tea thermogenesis deep, and they typically accommodate two adults and a child.

Our Green tea thermogenesis begins with the four major types of tea: Whites, Greens, Oolongs, and Blacks. Interestingly, all these teas come the raw leaves of the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis. What distinguishes each category of tea is its processing method.

Tea leaves become oxidized when they are spread out in green tea thermogenesis cool area and left to absorb oxygen. The longer the leaves are left to wither, the more oxygen they absorb and the darker their color becomes. Hence, green tea fat burner dietary supplement - ct review tea is fully oxidized.

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