The India or Assam type has larger leaves and cultivates best at lower elevations. The Hybrid falls somewhere in between the China and India types. There are four major types of tea: organic green tea, Green, Oolong and Black. Interestingly, all these teas come from the raw leaves of the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis. What distinguishes each category is the method used when processing the tea leaves.

Over the course of the last 5000 years, tea has found a place not just on our tables, but in the fabric of the organic green tea that incorporate it. Tea is the one food that is organic green tea recognizably associated with ritual and ceremony. It is a small yet luxurious ritual that an immigrant can turn to for the warmth and reminiscence of a distant home. Tea represents both the prestigious and the diet green tea and is found in the shanties of the ghettos as well as the pantries of the wealthy. It holds no social standings and it is seen the world over as an egalitarian beverage. America is in the grip of establishing tea on both the social and economic map.

There is no real ventilation, and there is an open cooking fire in the front of the "house" and a bed in the back. The cooking fire is an obvious health risk, organic green tea the outhouse is completely ignored, anchor hocking fire king green bubble ice tea tumbler instead to store firewood.

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