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Others recommend using water from a fresh stream. A cup of tea is prepared by bringing fresh water to a boil and then allowing the leaves to infuse for the preferred length of time. However, steeping time and water temperature is dependant on the type of tea leaf. Pfaltzgraff tea rose green and oolong teas use water that is not quite at the boiling point and are brewed for shorter periods of time, while other teas may be re-infused up to seven times. With all of its elaborate details and methods, tea still remains a beverage that we can all enjoy in its simplicity and complexity.

This process also adds to the uniqueness of the final product and is viewed as the "art of tea. " During these refinements, the valuable whole leaves are pfaltzgraff tea rose from lower quality tea dust and fannings. Unfortunately, much of the tea we are exposed to is made from these leftovers.

Start with fresh, filtered, cold water in your tea kettle or electric boiler. the water to a rolling boil (approximately 203oF) pfaltzgraff tea rose then take it off the heat immediately.

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  1. green tea camellia sinensis