As we watch the process, Kolandavelu, a factory manager, makes a few suggestions, such as a light condition roll (to shape the tea) and minimal use of a rotervane (to preserve the fullness of the leaves). The process is tweaked accordingly, and the resulting teas are delightful. These are Ceylons in boston tea party museum their malty, flavorful, bright glory. Had this trip been simply a to tea plantations, I might not bane struck me with so much wonder. But the celebration of differences and the cohesiveness of community was so unforgettable that even now I am taken boston tea party museum for a moment or two.

Commercially, there are three major varieties of Camellia sinensis: the China type, the India adverse reactions to green tea extract(Assam region) type, and the Hybrid boston tea party museum (a cross breed of the China and India types). The China type tea plant has small leaves and usually grows well at higher altitudes. The India or Assam type has larger leaves and cultivates best at lower elevations. The Hybrid falls somewhere in between the China and India types. There are four major types of tea: White, Green, Oolong and Black.

Hence, black tea is fully oxidized. of these teas are also rolled and shaped, creating various styles, tastes boston tea party museum grades. This process also adds to the uniqueness of the final product and is viewed as the "art of tea.

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