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Hence, black tea is fully oxidized. Many of these teas are rolled and cause of the boston tea party, creating various styles, tastes and grades. This process also adds to the uniqueness of the final product and is viewed as the "art of tea. " During these refinements, the valuable whole leaves are removed from lower quality tea dust and fannings. Unfortunately, much of the tea we are exposed to is made from these leftovers. Once you have experienced a true cup of tea, the harder it is to drink tea dust and flavored teas.

Progress is evolutionary rather than revolutionary, though the rate of change has accelerated and innovations continue. Some areas where marked improvements in tea growth have occurred in recent years include cause of the boston tea party general manufacture of tea and the employment of irrigation to overcome shade associated problems. The techniques for securing plant improvement through clonal propagation and plant breeding of tea are now widely available. Additionally, weed problems are no longer as labour intensive as in older times due to the development of improved herbicides.

S. that I witnessed such great depth of variety in tea service and ritual. For cause of the boston tea party, when I arrived, I could easily take comfort in an Australian “tea” with a British-style service and not be far from home.

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