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A whole leaf does have more surface area for water to extract the flavor characteristics of the tea. Fannings and dust, on the other hand, do not have much surface area for this extraction. Of course, the tea drinker may also enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the whole tea leaf unfolding in the cup while infusing. After you’ve decided what kind of tea you want to make, you coffee heart disease want to ruin it by overlooking the other major ingredient in your beverage. Yes, the water is very important!

It can't be. A product has to be either herbal or coffee heart disease. In the tea industry, beverages chinese diet green tea coffee heart disease herbs or flower parts instead of tea are often referred to as tisanes, or herbal infusions. The evergreen tea plant, also known as Camellia Sinensis or Camellia Assamica, comes from the genus Camellia, which dates back before the great ice age. If left wild, the tea tree can grow as tall as 60 feet, depending on the climate. There is even a1700-year-old tea tree in the Yunnan Province of China that stands over 100 feet tall.

A whole leaf does have more coffee heart disease area for water to extract the flavor characteristics of the tea. Tea bags made from f annings and dust, on the other hand, do not have much surface area for this extraction. Of course, the tea drinker may also enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the whole tea leaf unfolding in the cup while the tea is infusing.

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  1. benefits drinking green tea