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Tea leaves become oxidized when they are spread out in a cool area and left to absorb oxygen. The longer the leaves are left to wither, the more oxygen they diet green tea and the darker their color becomes. Hence, black tea is fully oxidized. Many of these teas are also rolled and shaped, creating various styles, tastes and grades. This process also adds to the uniqueness of the final product and is viewed as the "art of tea.

Today we observe how the factory processes several tea grades alongside each other. As we watch the process, Kolandavelu, a factory manager, makes a few suggestions, such as a light condition roll (to shape the tea) and minimal diet green tea of a rotervane (to preserve the fullness of the leaves). The process is tweaked accordingly, and the resulting teas are delightful. These are Ceylons in all their malty, flavorful, bright glory.

The South shows the grace of an older culture, almost pretentious, but also inclusive, enthusiastic, refined, and slightly diet green tea. Cultural identity defines our commerce and what we see green tea problems indispensable in our everyday lives. For those in the tea business tea traditions are an illustration of longevity.

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