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In the same city there is Tryst, a lounge that gives both coffee and tea equal respect. Tryst encourages an academic curiosity about the refining elements of coffee and tea, causing a certain cross-pollination of connoisseurs—a marvelous democracy of beverages. How much more American could it be? On the other coast, there’s Zen Zoo, which has adapted a four o clock green tea with rose Taiwanese concept, bubble tea. At Zen Zoo you can arizona diet green tea the art of feng shui while you sip your bubble tea concoction from a Pilsner glass. This teahouse exudes a tangible energy—a serenity, but also an undercurrent of excitement.

Americans are now discovering what people around the world have long treasured: the personal tranquility, pleasure to the taste buds, and health benefits of drinking a cup of tea. You can easily enhance your tea-drinking experience by understanding the basics of tea and the art of brewing it. Our lesson begins with the four major types of tea: Whites, Greens, Oolongs, and Blacks. Interestingly, all these teas come from four o clock green tea with rose raw leaves of the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis. What distinguishes each category of tea is its processing method. The way the leaves are processed: steamed, fermented (oxidized), dried, or bruised gives the tea the special characteristics of its category.

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