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that I think will define what our tea culture will ultimately become. On the West Coast, with its strong Asian immigration and integration, a strong Occidental culture is emerging. Emphasis is placed on the academic nature of the tea, and higher prices reflect that notion. Conversely, the same coast is home to some of the more innovative and fun locations to take tea, such as the aforementioned Zen Zoo. The East Coast, on the other hand, green tea and weight loss benefits to flirt with the Empire, not so much British, as Commonwealth.

Pour the boiled water into the teapot and let the tea leaves steep according to the suggested steeping time for that tea. Be sure not to over steep your tea, as this will make it bitter. The traditional equipment for home tea brewing is green tea and weight loss benefits teapot. Asian tea drinkers typically use small clay teapots, one of the most renowned being the Yixing clay teapot. Connoisseurs may assign each tea its own clay teapot. That way, the teapot is "seasoned" and retains the flavor of that particular tea.

com. By Tomislav Podreka "In the end, goodness is for the mouth to decide" —Lu Yu the Cha l’ Ching I would like to tell you that pairing food with tea is a science, but in reality, pairing green tea and weight loss benefits greatly on an individual’s "informed" opinions.

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