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However, steeping time and water temperature is dependant on the type of tea leaf. Many green and oolong teas use water that is not quite at the boiling point green tea diet are brewed for shorter periods of time, while other teas may be re-infused up to seven times. With all of its elaborate details and methods, tea still remains a beverage that we can all enjoy in its simplicity and complexity. Its stimulation not only green tea diet from its low levels of caffeine, but from its subtleties that caress the inner depths of our being; a friendship that grows within. Why is it that this tea plant creates some of the most romantic thoughts, meditative moments and simple pleasures? A Chinese poet exquisitely captures the love of tea in a famous poem: Lu Tong (A.
India and Sri Lanka are the home of some of the best black tea found green tea diet. The tea plant was first cultivated centuries ago in China, and from those ancient tea green tea diet came the world's first teas. This agricultural effort gave rise to what became one of our major commodities. Today, as always, far more people drink tea than drink coffee--in fact, is a close second to water as the world's most commonly consumed beverage--and as we enter the twenty-first century, the tea business is exploding with expanding markets, including a small and healthy specialty market.
One such green tea diet, dating back to 2700 BCE, describes how tea leaves, blown by the wind, accidentally fell into a Chinese Herbalist’s pot of hot water. The water now tasted of these wild leaves, and the herbalist, Shen Nung, found its soothing types of herbal tea and fine flavors so irresistible that he instructed all of his people to drink in the wonders of the beverage.