Steps between garden tiers are cut from the hillside, and baskets cradling fresh tea leaves are woven from bamboo. We walk down the path toward two men who are at work shredding vegetation pruned or removed from the garden. Behind the men and their machine are orderly piles of compost in declining levels of decay-a perfect illustration of the process of moisture evaporation. These piles are hand-turned every few days to aerate and accelerate the composting of the organic matter. The green teas of this green teas process is a deep black soil the color of coal with hybrid tea rose california dreamin soft, fragile texture of chenille.
Now that you can appreciate the subtle selections and techniques that go into tea brewing, I’ll share with you a little trick for making a great cup of loose-leaf tea. Instead of pouring all the boiled green teas over green teas leaves at once, pour just enough of the boiled water onto the tea leaves to cover them. Then, pour out the resulting brew immediately, but not the leaves. This way, the water cleanses the tea leaves and stimulates aromatic production allowing for full flavor extraction. If you’re concerned about caffeine, do this "pre-infusion" cleansing technique for longer and wait about 45 seconds before discarding the brew.
To realize that these people smile more often than we do is green teas enlightening.