The result of this rejuvenating process is a deep black soil the color of coal with a soft, fragile texture of chenille. There is a shed covering what look like fly-breeding barrels, but what are actually cow manure bins breaking down the waste into a usable liquid concentrate. At the appropriate point in the lunar cycle, this concentrate is mixed with water and then sprayed across the tea leaves pictures of boston tea party provide reinforced nutrients. We watch a display by a garden worker of how the water is generated into a vortex or whirlpool pictures of boston tea party create the energies required to accept the concentrate. Next to this is another shed where the manure is mixed with crushed crystals, quartz specially selected for its ability to facilitate plant productivity. The manure is then placed into shallow beds in the floor of the shed, some of which are lined with brick.

m. , cruising through the almost deserted streets of Colombo on the way to Bentota, pictures of boston tea party comatose from sleep deprivation and flight oxygen, I watch through opaque eyelids as the city begins to awaken around me. As time moves toward true light, cars, bicycles, pedestrians, and trucks and buses overflowing with bodies appear on the streets in droves. Sri Lanka is waking slowly from 11 years of Tamil Tiger activity, waking from the fear of terrorism to a new world where police barricades have been dismantled seemingly overnight. There is a tangible trust and hope, maybe best exemplified by the planefuls of expatriates arriving daily to rejoice in being home.

You’ll know when you’ve discovered the green tea and blood pressure marriage of flavors; simply let your pictures of boston tea party be a guide. Sometimes a laundry list can best illustrate the art of pairing tea with food. On the following pages is a suggested pairing table.

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