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Drinking tea may help your tooth enamel remain healthy and inhibit the formation of cavities and plaque. Fluoride is also essential for keeping your bones strong and healthy. Finally, drinking tea contributes to maintaining your daily fluid balance. By Ahmed Rahim The history of tea–like life–is tea leaf green with chance encounters, and it seems that in this openness anything is possible. A new cup, a new beginning…

The South shows the grace of an older culture, almost pretentious, but also inclusive, enthusiastic, refined, and slightly decadent. Cultural identity defines tea leaf green commerce and what we see as indispensable in our everyday lives. For those in the tea business tea traditions are an illustration of longevity. They green tea bulk also an opportunity to explore greater involvement in the industry and to discover the boundless rewards tea can yield. Tomislav Podreka is the founder of Serendipitea, enough the largest independent importers of fine and specialty teas in the United States. He is the education chairman of the American Premium Tea Institute.

Finally, drinking tea contributes to maintaining your daily fluid balance. By Ahmed Rahim The history of tea–like life–is filled with chance encounters, and it seems tea leaf green in this openness anything is possible.

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