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Green tea is a relative newcomer to Sri Lanka, but it is successfully forging its own niche with a sweeter, if a little naive, palate. It is a more successful green tea than, say, a Darjeeling , which simply mocks the flavor of its black tea sibling. A crescendo of slurping, gurgling and spitting evolves, and a mechanical fluidity emanates from the tasters that is natural, efficient and primal. Tuesday, June 25 The amphitheater at the Colombo tea auctions is full. The speed of bidding and selling is mind-boggling, and I understand little other boston tea party ship the mechanics of the process. Watching this and realizing that buyers have tasted all the teas that interest them, constructed their price ranges and built in their ability boston tea party ship waiver from preferred pricing is impressive.

Although I am myself an immigrant who has seen many incarnations of tea, it was not until I moved to the U. S. that I witnessed such great depth of variety in tea service and ritual. For instance, when I arrived, I could easily take comfort in an Australian “tea” with a British-style service and not be far from home. But what made tea endearing to me was not tea and scones, but rather tea and palacinka—Croatian crepes, jam-filled and dusted with icing sugar—or robust Assam with a squeeze of orange. When immigrants come to America, they import the small, incidental motion of boston tea party ship personal ritual.

Sometimes a laundry list can best illustrate the art of pairing tea boston tea party ship food. On the following pages is a suggested pairing table.

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