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Tea in the South is less about the product and more about the exhibition. The South shows the grace of an older culture, almost pretentious, but also inclusive, enthusiastic, refined, and slightly decadent. Cultural identity defines our commerce and what we see as indispensable in our everyday lives. For those in the tea business tea traditions are coffee type 2 diabetes illustration of longevity. They are also an opportunity to explore greater involvement in the industry and to discover the boundless rewards tea can yield.

Tea bags made from f annings and dust, on the other hand, do not have much surface area for this extraction. Of course, the tea drinker may also enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the whole tea leaf unfolding in the cup while the tea is infusing. Although tea is consumed everywhere, it is produced only in certain regions where the climate and coffee type 2 diabetes soil are ideal. The foremost tea regions are in China, Japan, Taiwan, India and Sri Lanka. China and Japan produce some of the finest green tea in the world. Taiwan has some of the best oolongs.

What distinguishes each category of tea is its processing method. The way the leaves are processed: steamed, fermented (oxidized), dried, or bruised gives the tea the special characteristics of its category. Tea spin offs, such as scented, flavored, coffee type 2 diabetes blended teas are produced using one of the four major types of tea as a base.

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  1. herbal tea brands