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India and Sri Lanka are the home of some of the best black tea found anywhere. The tea plant was first cultivated centuries japanese green tea in China, and from those ancient tea estates came the world's first teas. This agricultural effort gave rise to what became one of our japanese green tea commodities. Today, as always, far more people drink tea than drink coffee--in fact, tea is a close second to water as the world's most commonly consumed beverage--and as we enter the twenty-first century, the tea business is exploding with expanding markets, including a small and healthy specialty market. Most tea is not sold as premium tea.

m. , cruising through the almost deserted streets of Colombo on the way japanese green tea Bentota, mostly comatose from sleep deprivation and flight oxygen, I watch through opaque eyelids as the city begins to awaken around me. As time moves toward true light, cars, bicycles, pedestrians, and trucks and buses overflowing with bodies appear on the streets in droves. Japanese green tea Lanka is waking slowly from 11 years of Tamil Tiger activity, waking from the fear of terrorism to a new world where police barricades have been dismantled seemingly overnight. There is a tangible trust and hope, maybe best exemplified by the planefuls of expatriates arriving daily to rejoice in being home. Sri Lanka is a constant contradiction.

Sri Lanka's tea industry reflects this manner of movement japanese green tea.

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