tea that makes you lose weight

Types of Tea The classic definition of tea is the brew made from the infusion of water and the leaves of an evergreen plant of the Camellia family. In the tea industry, tea is defined as the dried green tea diet drink leaves of Camellia sinensis, or Thea sinesis. Commercially, there are three major varieties of Camellia sinensis: the China type, the India (Assam region) type, and the Hybrid type (a cross breed of the China and India types). The China type tea plant has small leaves and usually grows well at higher altitudes. metal desert rose tea kettle India or Assam type has larger leaves and cultivates best at lower elevations. The Hybrid falls somewhere in between the China and India types.

Green tea is a relative newcomer to Sri Lanka, but it is successfully forging its own niche with a sweeter, if a little naive, palate. It is a more successful green tea than, say, a Darjeeling green, which simply mocks the flavor of its black tea sibling. Green tea diet drink crescendo of slurping, gurgling and spitting evolves, and a mechanical fluidity emanates from the tasters that is natural, efficient and primal.

Loose-leaf teas are usually made up of whole leaves or broken leaves, while tea bags are green tea diet drink filled with fannings or . During processing, raw tea leaves are graded from best (the bud and the first two leaves of the shoot) to worst (fannings ).

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