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Climate and soil seem to enjoy a seamless relationship. Green tea medical benefits between garden tiers are cut from the hillside, and baskets cradling fresh tea leaves are woven from bamboo. We walk down the path toward two men who are at work shredding vegetation pruned or removed from the garden. Behind the men and their machine are orderly piles of compost in declining levels of decay-a perfect illustration of the process of moisture evaporation. These piles are hand-turned every few days to aerate and accelerate the composting of the organic matter.

In Colombo, Ian and are met by the rest of our party, Manik Jayakumar, a tea planter who founded the organic projects we were to visit and who is visiting Sri Lanka for the first time in 11 years; Richard Guzauskas of Leaves Pure Teas; and Alex David, a tea taster with Stassen. We promptly head to the Stassen office, and after introductions, we tour the cleanest tea-bagging facility I have ever green tea medical benefits, the cleanest facility of any sort that I have seen. The compactness of this factory, the phenomenally low waste percentage and the impressive display of recognizable client box art hints at an efficiency that will prove to be a hallmark. In the Stassen cupping room, there is line after line of cupping sets awaiting us, arranged on long white trays by grade, strength and color.

Be sure not to over steep green tea medical benefits tea, as this will make it bitter. The traditional equipment for home tea brewing is the teapot.

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