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Another story explains how the Indian Monk, Bodhidharma, sango tea rose dinner plates to China and went into a nine-year meditation. During this "Zen experience, " he began to dose off and closed his eyes for a moment. He instantly cut off his eyelids to avoid sleeping, and where they fell to the ground a tea bush sprouted from the earth. And so the plant found another home with Buddhists in their green teas, helping them to stay awake and to maintain a high level of alertness and sango tea rose dinner plates. There are many other stories about the origins of tea and how it found its way into our cup of boiling water. But the wonderful fact is we did not discover tea, "tu", "cha" or "tay, " but that it discovered us through our openness and willingness to take in its beautiful offerings.

I have been invited by Stassen Natural Foods Pvt. Ltd. to celebrate the company's 15 sango tea rose dinner plates of organic ginger tea weight loss production.

We tour the new sango tea rose dinner plates being built on this estate, the same initiative that we will see the next day on the Venture biodynamic tea garden.

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  1. how to make green tea