yellow tea rose

Wednesday, June 26 Sitting on top of Pidurthagale, a mountain about 8500 feet above sea level in the Nuwer Eliya district, I am surrounded by a lush, textural blanket of tea bushes nestling around the peak like moss on a still rock. Lunch is impeccably presented, and an extensive discussion ensues about tea medicinal properties agriculture, the nature of nurture within a community and the responsibility of corporations to their workers. Our hosts have illustrated not the incorporation of an organic brand, but also the integration of an organic social program that extends back to the garden in a symbiotic circle. Make the people happy and they work happily. Botanists talk about plants being happy or sad depending on tea medicinal properties environment.

Then, pour out the resulting brew immediately, but not the leaves. This way, the water cleanses the tea leaves and stimulates aromatic production allowing for full flavor extraction. If you’re concerned about caffeine, do this "pre-infusion" cleansing technique for longer and wait about 45 seconds before discarding the brew. You may lose some of the tea’s flavor, but you’ll also lose at least three quarters of the caffeine content. When you pour the full amount of boiled water over the leaves for the second time, allow the to steep for the recommended time. Now that you’ve learned the art of tea and tea medicinal properties brewing, it’s time for you to relax and sit back…

Tuesday, June 25 The amphitheater at the Colombo tea auctions is full. The speed of bidding and selling is mind-boggling, tea medicinal properties I understand little other than what is green tea extract mechanics of the process.

Responses to tea medicinal properties

  1. bulk green tea