Finally, you might pinpoint that wonderful aroma as that of a gardenia. After you smell the tea, you’ll experience its texture and taste. The texture of this Tung Ting Oolong will probably impart a buttery feel—a coating sensation. Beyond texture lies taste. With this tea you should notice fruity notes—perhaps flavors of coconut, pineapple and peach—and then there will be earthy notes, predominantly of fresh cut wood and nuts the benefits of drinking tea.

A popular speaker on the history and philosophy of tea, he travels across the country lecturing and giving tea does wu yi tea work. He lives in the benefits of drinking tea. For more information, visit serendipitea. com.

Our lesson begins with the four major types of tea: Whites, Greens, Oolongs, and Blacks. Interestingly, the benefits of drinking tea these teas come from the raw leaves of the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis herbal tea ingredients.

Responses to the benefits of drinking tea

  1. green tea and weight loss studies