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Sri Lankan tea companies have aggressively pursued, and mostly succeeded, in leading marketplaces around the world. I have been invited best green tea for health benefits Stassen Natural Foods Pvt. Ltd. to celebrate the company's 15 years of organic tea production. As it turns out, much of the reason for the invitation is the opportunity it provides to discuss the development of social initiatives among tea garden workers and cultural assimilation between Tamils and Singhalese communities. Monday, June 24 Driving back from Bentota, I share a car with an Australian tea buyer, Ian Murry of Virgin Garden Tea of Australia.

The process is tweaked accordingly, and the resulting teas are delightful. These are Ceylons in all their malty, flavorful, bright glory. Had this best green tea for health benefits been simply a visit to tea plantations, I might not bane struck me with so much wonder.

From the types of teas and pots used, to the intricate methods of brewing, all tea ceremonies share the common knowledge that this beverage is a liquid form of serenity, easing the mind and relaxing the best green tea for health benefits.

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