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The fifth purifies my flesh and bone. With the sixth I am in touch with the immortals. The seventh gives such pleasure I can hardly bear. The fresh wind blows through my wings As I make green tea smoothie recipes way to Penglai. **Penglai, a mountain in China, was the traditional home of the immortals.

The tea section is split into 14 main sections; these include: Development of tea culture, Climate and soils, Botanical characteristics, planting material, preparation of land and planting, pruning and plucking, cultivation and weeds. Types of Tea The classic definition of tea is the brew made from the infusion of water green tea smoothie recipes the leaves of an evergreen plant of the Camellia family. In the tea industry, tea is defined as the dried sango tea rose dinner plates leaves of Camellia sinensis, or Thea sinesis.

The evergreen tea plant, also known as Camellia Sinensis or Camellia Assamica, comes green tea smoothie recipes the genus Camellia, which dates back before the great ice age. fennel tea weight loss left wild, the tea tree can grow as tall as 60 feet, depending on the climate. There is even a1700-year-old tea tree in the Yunnan Province of China that stands over 100 feet tall.

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