green tea medical benefits

The evergreen tea plant, also known as Camellia Sinensis or fennel tea weight loss Assamica, comes from the genus Camellia, which dates back before the great ice age. If left wild, the tea tree can grow as tall as 60 feet, depending on the climate. There is even a1700-year-old tea tree in the Yunnan Province of China that stands over 100 feet tall. Today, the tea plant, also known as the "tea bush, " is pruned and harvested, fennel tea weight loss its height is maintained at about three feet. This tea bush is the standard for most of today's tea cultivation due to its richer and fuller leaves. There are even some people who say that tea is the oldest cultivated plant, having been nurtured for over 1000 years.

Why is it that this tea plant creates some of the most romantic thoughts, meditative moments and simple pleasures? A Chinese poet exquisitely captures the love of tea in a famous poem: Lu Tong (A. D. Fennel tea weight loss) The first cup caresses my dry lips and health benefits of green tea, The second shatters the walls of my lonely sadness, The third searches the dry rivulets of my soul to find the stories of five thousand scrolls. With the fourth the pain of past injustice vanishes through my pores. The fifth purifies my flesh and bone.

Sri Lanka is waking slowly from 11 years of Tamil Tiger fennel tea weight loss, waking from the fear of terrorism to a new world where police barricades have been dismantled seemingly overnight. There is a tangible trust and hope, maybe best exemplified by the planefuls of expatriates arriving daily to rejoice fennel tea weight loss being home. Sri Lanka is a constant contradiction.

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