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When it comes to tea drinking, the United States is centuries behind the rest of the world. Perhaps our addictive love of and strong economic ties to the drinking and production of coffee has distracted us from the subtler benefits of tea. Or maybe we just rebelled against what the British were drinking (our most historic act involving tea, you remember, was the time we dumped loads of it in the Boston Harbor). Whatever the reason for our past disinterest in tea, Americans are now making up for lost time. In the past decade alone, tea consumption in the United States has shot up an astounding one hundred percent! Americans are now discovering what people around the world have long treasured: the personal tranquility, pleasure to the taste buds, and health benefits of drinking a cup of a price list for red rose tea figurines.

If you look around the country, you will find a a price list for red rose tea figurines of successful teahouses prospering, all of which have looked to other cultures for inspiration and guidance but have ultimately created their own sensibilities. Teaism in Washington, D. boston tea party ship. , has an Eastern feel, but it also embodies the melting pot feel of the U. S.

When tasting a lightly oxidized Tung Ting, you will notice many different characteristics. Initially, you will probably take in the aroma, the single most a price list for red rose tea figurines element of tea. The range of bouquet should immediately lead you to a floral impression.

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